Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week #7

Not gonna lie, the week started a little bad but I suppose it progressively got better? I may or may not have procrastinated too much over the weekend but things worked out I guess. I didn't exactly practice much of my virtues but ya know, I made it to the end of the week!

And I've got a MUN conference this weekend in Punta Gorda and I'm carpooling with Grace so it'll be fun!

To all my debate teammates, hope ya'll do excellent this weekend! Go Archie!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sophia, hope your MUN conference turned out to be a success. I also procrastinated greatly last week and also this week, I'm currently procrastinating right now. I hope you can get rid of this habit that many of us teens have of procrastinating. Hopefully this week isn't too busy so that you can have time to put your virtues into actions. Hope everything goes great for you this week!
