Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week #8

This week... let’s call it interesting.

First, we started off with some nice drama from some friends that left the school. If you thought you’re getting the chisme out of me, good luck with that.

Then, I had to cram to both study, do homework, and read a book I have a paper to write about on. Thank god Ms Merino decided to extend the due date to Monday, oof. Anyways, then we had like a lot of greek homework and stuff and I was not having it.

I probably sound like I’m just ranting at this point but honestly, I haven’t been able to practice much out of my virtues. It seems as the weeks progress it’s slightly harder to be virtuous because so many things take priority first.

I dunno, hopefully y’all are having better weeks!


  1. Hey Sophie! Don't worry, this week has been equally terrible for a lot of us. So much has happened, and at this point, I'm just trying to keep myself sane. *Hopefully* next week will be better. And hey, look on the bright side, WE SURVIVED OUT FIRST GRADING PERIOD. Only Fifteen more to go! XD

  2. Hi Sophia!! The past week has been hectic for all of us since we all rush things to the last minute. I feel as though Every student can relate to your struggles with homework and studying (especially for greek) It's okay that you didn't practice your virtues this week, you have next week to try again! I know that you will succeed with whatever it is that you are practicing and I wish you the best of luck!
