Thursday, November 29, 2018

Week #14 - Time for a freaking crusade (I've changed this title like three times, titles are the bane of my existence I swear)

We all know how we're all failing physics. Ain't it just great? I recently also failed and at first, it was disheartening. However, know I have taken it as a sign of doing better, or not giving up.

Yay, inspiration story for ya'll or something, I don't know.

Anyways, I also have a MUN conference this Saturday so it's time for a freaking crusade, my dudes.  See ya.
Related image

Friday, November 16, 2018

Week #12

This week has been good! Though I'm not sure I can say that I've developed my virtues much. More like, I just had a good week but it has been a little stressful (looking at you Greek class) so I haven't been able to think about how to become virtuous and such.

How have ya'll been though? Hopefully good <3

Friday, November 9, 2018

Week #11

This week was actually pretty good! Well, except for Tuesday but let's not get into that ;)


Anyways, yeah, good week. I had MUN today and my god, the committee was so dramatic at the end, it was super funny. I practiced my excellence virtue by trying every day to do my research better and better, and then my tenacity by not giving up on super long stuff like Merino's homework (which I was really extra with, why am I like this). I guess my courage as well actually because today was my first time in a committee with more than a 100 people (it was 108 people, 54 countries) and jesus it was hectic.

Anyways, how's yall's day?

Friday, November 2, 2018

Week #10

Where to begin with this week?

That probably sounds like I'm gonna continue ranting like I have for these past couple of weeks BUT GUESS WHAT B


My week has been amazing! My family from Colombia is over because of my birthday, my house is a hotel essentially, and I've been able to practice some of my virtues. For example, my courage and excellence. I've been striving to be better every day this week, from MUN to my friends to my family to myself. I'ts been a blast.

I've also been more courageous. I don't really like to talk to people like family too much because I dunno, it just doesn't interest me I suppose. But I've been really social this week and I'm living for it, even if my baby cousins and their parents like to mess with me a lot lol.