Friday, September 21, 2018

Week #4

For any of you who sent to AMC, you'll know the overhanging fear factor used by most of the faculty and the principal. That is not to necessarily say our teachers were either horrible or excellent but the fear factor was evident and obvious.

I would always see kids casually convincing teachers to change their grades, make up assignments, and ask to postpone exams/quizzes. To me, that was a bizarre concept. I've grown up all my life fearing authority to a fault. I was scared of just talking to teachers. But I've found that AUC is different.

In AUC, I've found that the teachers are so much more relaxed than those compared to the middle school or any school I've ever been to. They look at us like adults, not as toddlers, and understand our concerns with patience. They understand that these are the years usually marked as "your development time."

In AUC, I've been comfortable talking to teachers, faculty, etc. It's only been a month. This entire week, I've noticed that I've been asking Mrs Morgante everything and anything I was curious about or had trouble with in regards to Debate. Before high school, I would only ask my friends for help in things related to school.

I know I have three virtues I want to work on, but honestly, I find that courage is my most important one. Self-esteem and self-confidence are big factors on my life and I always tend to have a very little amount of them.

I dunno, I just really want to be more sure of myself.

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